wond最准确的是miracle.还有amazing 这个词虽是形容词 但现在美国的英语口语越来越简化 你看最新的NBA广告中的宣传语“Where amazing happens.”中文就翻译成“奇迹诞生地”
(1)The Great Pyramid of Giza 2500 BC Approximate - Egyptians
(2) Statue of Zeus at Olympia 435 BC - Greeks - Destroyed Fire
(3) Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 550 BC - Anatolians - Destroyed Fire 356 BC
(4) Mausoleum of Halicarnassus 315 BC - Hellenized Carians - Destroyed Earthquake
(5) Lighthouse of Alexandria 3rd Century BC - Hellenistic Civilization - Destroyed Earthquake
(6) Hanging Gardens of Babylon 600 BC - Babylonians - Destroyed Earthquake
(7) Colossus of Rhodes 292-280 BC - Hellenistic Civilization - Destroyed 224 BC Earthquake